20 myndir sem sýna að dýr eru BESTU verndarar barna!

Sumum finnst óþægileg tilhugsun að hafa dýr ofan í börnunum sínum og hafa áhyggjur af öllu sem gæti mögulega farið úrskeiðis.

En þessar 20 myndir sýna að dýr eru bestu verndarar barna:

20. You can see the beginning of a great friendship.

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

19. “When my son cries, the dog rushes in to save his life.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

18. “Our dog hasn’t left his side since we brought him home.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

17. The dog’s face gives us the impression that if the cameraman touches her, he’s going to suffer.

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

16. “This baby is mine now.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

15. This seems to be the best security system.

14. “You are free to go see your friends, I will take care of this baby.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

13. “We’ve only been home with our newborn for 20 minutes and our dog claimed him.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

12. “I am always going to be with you.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

11. Touch this boy — and you will have to deal with me.

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

10. “What do you want now? I have just lulled the baby to sleep.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

9. “What? I’m not going to let him go to school alone.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

8. “It’s OK, human puppy. I will keep you warm until you grow fur.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

7. “You shall not pass.”

6. “This child smells very important. Better take care of it just in case.”

5. This kid is not even born yet, but the cat is already madly in love.

4. Time flies, friendship stays.

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

3. They just get each other.

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

2. “You gotta go through me first.”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids

1. “We are chilling out with our little human!”

20 Pictures That Prove Animals Are the Best Guardians for Your Kids


