Útsýnið yfir jörðina er MAGNAÐ úr Alþjóða Geimferðastöðinni – MYNDIR

Aþljóða Geimferðastöðin fer hringinn í kringum jörðina 16 sinnum á sólahring. Geimfararnir hafa verið duglegir við að taka ljósmyndir af jörðinni okkar og þær eru vægast sagt alveg magnaðar.

Myndirnar eru allar teknar í fyrra.The ISS orbits the Earth around 16 times every day, meaning astronauts get to see the planet bathed in sunlight and at night multiple times. The Northern Lights weaving their way across the sky above Scandinavia is shown in this picture form the space stationWhile deserts are often featureless places, this shot of the Siwa Oasis in Egypt shows the impact water can haveThe lights of cities around Mexico help to illuminate the Earth even at night while a rare red sprite can be seen busting in the thin layer of atmosphere above a lightning strike on the horizon (pictured)Patterns created by irrigation in Bahia State in Brazil provided a striking photo opportunity for astronauts on the ISS The patterns left by glaciers and rivers in the snow covered Himalaya (pictured) show the area has a breathtaking beauty even from spaceA close-up view of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia (pictured) reveals the full scale of the spectacular mountain rangeIn the same year that world leaders met to negotiate a way to tackle climate change, images like this of the Manikiki Atoll in the Cook Islands (pictured) helped to show just how vulnerable some of these islands are to rising sea levelsA bird's-eye-view of the Bahamas shows the spectacular patterns created by currents and sediment between the islandsMuddy flood waters and streams flowing into the Tsiribihina River in Madagascar show the aftermath of heavy rainsMankind's impact on the landscape is also visible to the astronauts as they orbit the Earth 205 miles (330km) above the surface. The grid shaped pattern of enormous fish farms in Liaoning Province China are shown above, with tiny boats just visible for perspectiveA close-up of the eye of Typhoon Maysak in March (pictured) shows the turbulent cloud formations generated by the winds, caused as moisture rises off the warm tropical oceansAmong the images beamed back were spectacular views of storms that help to reveal the awesome power they contain. A image of Cyclone Bansi shows lightning crackling within the circular eye at its heart as it raced towards Madagascar in January (pictured)



