17 myndir sem sanna hversu öflug GEN eru í raun og veru!

Það er bókstaflega ótrúlegt hversu öflug genatíkin getur verið eins og þessar 17 myndir hér fyrir neðan sanna heldur betur.

Kannast þú við eitthvað svipað í þinni fjölskyldu?

#1 A mom and her daughters

#2 “My family has 3 generations of twins.”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#3 “My friends’ newborn baby was born with the same birthmark in her hair as her mother.”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#4 “My daughter and me, 1970 vs 2016”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#5 “Here are my sons. Same mother, same father…Irish dad, Italian mom…”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#6 Mother and daughter

#7 “My wife and our son”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#8 “My dad at 26 and me at 36”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#9 “2 twin brothers married twin sisters and gave birth to twins.”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#10 A mother’s eyes

#11 “My sister and I are 18 months apart, but we’ve convinced people we are twins.”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#12 “My mother and I have the same gestures.”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#13 “The genes seem to run strong in my fiancé’s family.”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#14 “I grew myself a mini-me.”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#15 “I’ve never realized how strong my mom’s genes were until I found this old pic of her!”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#16 A father and son switched places for Halloween. Can you see any difference?

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

#17 “30 years and a generation apart — my dad with my older brother, and my brother and his firstborn.”

17 Photos That Prove Genes Are a Really Powerful Thing

