Ekki prófa þetta heima hjá ykkur! – 16 BRJÁLUÐ „Life Hacks“ sem hafa verið notuð til að redda málunum – MYNDIR

Fólk gerir ótrúlega hluti til að redda sér – ÓTRÚLEGA hluti. Þetta fólk reyndi að taka þetta á eitthvað nýtt stig, eitthvað sem hefur bara ekki verið gert áður. Við mælum ekki með að þið notið þessi „life hacks“ heima hjá ykkur:



If you're ever too lazy to whisk by hand, this unorthodox idea could help you out 


Drilling holes in this coin was probably a lot more labour intensive than simply sewing on a new button 


If you've run out of saucepans, there's no need to forsake pasta for dinner 


A missing car door might count as a write off for some people, but not this DIY fan


Flash in the pan: The person who designed this makeshift toilet gets top marks for ingenuity 


Don't drive too fast! This makeshift drinks holder looks like there's high risk of spillage involved 


If you have to attach your own CD player with tape, then it might be best to invest in a new car 


This canny pair have the art of home entertainment well and truly sussed 


Maybe just take a trip to the car wash? It's unlikely the addition of this glove was going to improve matters much for this grubby vehicle 


Broken shower, no problem? This creative soul managed to rig up their own version using an empty can and a piece of string 


The burning question here is why they didn't put the effort into getting the brakes fixed 


Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the cleverest of them all? This unusual trick does not belong in the highway code 


It's certainly an ingenious idea, but your clothes may unfortunately smell of pepperoni later 


Rather than calling a locksmith after forgetting your keys, you could opt for this trick instead 


You're not fooling anyone! But you have to hand it to this driver for bare-faced cheek 


