Þetta eru tækniundrin sem koma inn í líf okkar næsta áratug – MYNDIR

Tækninni fleitir skuggalega hratt fram og ef við myndum einn daginn uppgötva tímaflakk og kíkja til baka til ársins 1920 myndi fólk þar vafalaust fríka út þegar við segðum því að við ættum flöt sjónvörp og rafmagnstannbursta.

Á The Consumer Electronics Show í Las Vegas sem haldin var í vikunni mátti skyggnast inn í framtíðina og sjá hvaða fleiri tækninýjungar eru í vinnslu.

Eins og til dæmis þennan 1000 hestafla FFZero1.

Nth Degree Technologies frumsýndi ljós sem eru prentuð á fatnað og hluti.

Nth Degree Technologies wants to replace lights around the home and elsewhere with lights that can be printed on , flexible surfaces. It makes its light sheets by first cutting up a wafer of gallium nitride to produce millions of tiny LEDs. In this image, a model wears an outfit made with Nth-Light an LED patented ink formula from NthDegree Technologies Worldwide at CES Las Vegas

Alpha 2 er fyrsti vélmenna þjónninn sem kemur á viðráðanlegu verði. Hann hjálpar til við húsverkin og getur slökkt og kveikt á ljósunum.Alpha 2, the world’s first ‘affordable humanoid butler’, has charmed the crowds at CES this week. The voice-controlled droid can do everything from turn on the lights, help with housework, organise your diary and read your children bedtime stories. And thanks to its 20 servo motors that bend its joints, the robot can also move around like a human, allowing it to do things such as dance and teach yoga

Það var mikið um 3D prentaðan mat á sýningunni, eins og til dæmis þessi kaka.

A range of 3D printed food was unveiled by 3D Systems. Pictured is a cake decoration made from sugar. The company claims the productscan be healthy and good for the environment because it can help to convert alternative ingredients such as proteins from algae, beet leaves, or insects into tasty products. You can also make more complex shapes and bespoke products

Með nýja ísskápnum frá samsung er hægt að panta mat og senda allri fjölskyldunni skilaboð.

Your fridge could become the most important appliance in your home, if Samsung has its way. The firm's 'Family Hub' refrigerator, unveiled this week at CES, will be able to help you do everything from message your family to virtually shop for food. The heart of the 'Family Hub' fridge is a 21.5 inch full HD LCD resolution screen located on the upper right exterior door

Microbus rafbíllinn frá Volkswagen er sagður camper van framtíðarinnar.Volkswagen's new concept resurrects the microbus to create the camper van of the future. The Budd-e Concept is a zero-emissions vehicle that runs on electric engines, and has a wraparound sofa seat inside. The company says the concept marks a 'quantum leap' in design. Budd-e was unveiled at the Las Vegas CES, and it's the first vehicle to be conceived upon Volkswagen's new Modular Electric Platform

Þessi þyrla eða „quadcopter“ vakti hvað mesta athygli á sýningunni en í henni getur setið ein manneskja.

A major highlight this week was the unveiling of a giant quadcopter big enough to fit a passenger by Chinese firm EHang. Called the 184, the all-electric vehicle has four arms with a total of eight propellers at the end. 'You know how it feels to sit in a Ferrari? This is 10 times better,' George Yan, co-founder of Ehang said in an interview with DailyMail.com 

Þá er bara að bíða þess að þetta dót komi á markaðinn!


