
23 fyndnar myndir af OFURSTÓRUM hversdagslegum hlutum!

Það er einstaklega fyndið að sjá þegar að hversdagslegir hlutir eru of stórir eða of litlir – og þeim mun meiri sem munurinn er, þeim mun fyndnara er það.

Það er því ekki að ástæðulausu sem við kynnum 23 myndir af ofurstórum hversdagslegum hlutum:

#1 When a regular sized match is not enough…

#2 or when you overestimated your size…

#3 When you just love a rubber duckie way too much…

#4 Small numbers are small minds!

#5 When you need to pull an all-nighter…

#6 When you just want everyone to get along including a giant in your neighborhood…

#7 Or when you are too tired and need a big break…

#8 When you are too passionate about doing things…

#9 Hagrid will like this very much.

#10 When you’re sad and chocolates make you happy…

#11 Or when you have a big sweet tooth…

#12 And when you are just too happy to cook for everyone…

#13 The chip that will end all chips.

#14 When you just want everyone to take a seat…

#15 This prank is too difficult to not notice.

#16 When McDonald’s is all you want to eat for a month…

#17 When you’re the smallest person in your class.

#18 Giants do their laundry too.

#19 Easiest way to chain the entire forest within hours.

#20 When you need this much daily morning coffee…

#21 When you need to move quickly because people have started coming in.

#22 Pizza for the entire neighborhood.

#23 When you have a 12 feet tall grandson…




