
12 sjónhverfingar sem fá þig til að horfa tvisvar! – MYNDIR

Þessar 12 sjónhverfingar eru svo villandi að þú átt eftir að þurfa að skoða þær að minnsta kosti tvisvar áður en þú áttar þig á því sem þú ert að sjá.

#1A new series of pictures guaranteed to make you look twice have been shared to website Bright Side, and include this picture taken by a newly-wed couple - with the groom's shirt make it appear as though the bride has swung her legs his shoulders

#2Elsewhere an alarming angle makes it look as though a giant cricket is descending from the sky - but thankfully it's just a normally sized creature resting on a driver's windscreen

#3And animals aren't exempt either, with ill-timed snaps making it look as though a Weimaraner is driving a car in one snap - but thankfully it's just the pooch leaning forward

#4A man appears to stand calmly despite his leg being on fire - but a closer look proves it's just the angle the photo is taken

#5A cat appears to give Jamie Oliver a run for his money as he holds a pot - however on closer inspection it is clear he is sitting in front of painting

#6The awkward angle of this picture makes it look as though the female skater is holding her male counterpart up with his legs in the air, but it soon becomes clear they are her limbs

#7An American student revealed that his rather clever school teacher stuck a picture of himself on the window to his office door to make it look as though he was inside marking papers

#8Elsewhere a strangely shaped chicken nugget could almost pass as a whole roast chicken - though would not do much to satisfy a hungry stomach

#9An ill-timed shot at a hilarious angle left two dogs looking as though they had merged - and is guaranteed to leave you cross-eyed if you stare too long

#10A groom appeared legless - quite literally - at his wedding, as his leg merged into the bride's wedding dress in another hilarious snap

#11Meanwhile two golden retrievers made for a very long-looking creature as they walked alongside each other - merging quickly together

#12On first glance it looks as thought a UFO is hovering above a house - but on closer inspection it is clear it's a very strangely shaped cloud




