Það er erfitt að skilja hvernig þessi baðherbergi eru til, hvað leiddi til þess að einhverjum fannst þetta vera góð hugmynd – en þessar myndir sýna okkur að einhvern veginn þá varð þetta að veruleika.
Þetta eru 17 verst hönnuðu baðherbergi í heimi:
1. This bathroom stall with frosted glass doors:

2. This stall door that lets the world know what your pooping face looks like:

3. And this bathroom with a sorry excuse for stall walls:

4. This bathroom that doesn’t actually have poop covered walls, it’s just DESIGNED THAT WAY:

5. Same goes for this floor that was just made to look like someone peed all over it:

6. This locker room bathroom that doesn’t care about your so-called privacy:

7. This pizza joint bathroom that is clearly anti-soap:

8. This reflective floor that acts as the world’s most unnecessary mirror:

9. This hotel toilet that refuses to let you in:

10. This bathroom that was made for close, CLOSE friends:

11. And this urinal duo:

12. This bathroom that makes you work for the wipe:

13. This bathroom sink that just makes zero sense:

14. Same goes for these pointless doors:

15. This throne that’s on a whole other level (literally):

16. This stall door that falls short:

17. And finally, this bathroom that’s somehow its own damn floor: