
19 manns sem útskýrðu bíómyndir svo ILLA að það var sprenghlægilegt! – MYNDIR

Internetið er yfirfullt af yndislega fyndnum hlutum – og þar á meðal er aragrúi af bíómynda útskýringum sem eru svo slæmar að þær eru sprenghlægilegar.

Ef að þessar 19 hér fyrir neðan eru ekki nóg fyrir ykkur þá getið þið leitað að fleirum með myllumerkinu #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

1. Star Wars: Episode V

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

2. Shrek

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

3. Titanic

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

4. Lord of the Rings

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

5. Harry Potter

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

6. The Revenant

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

7. Friends

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

8. The Hunger Games

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

9. Batman vs Superman

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

10. Star Wars

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

11. Home Alone

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

12. Inception

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

13. The Martian

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

14. Avengers: Infinity War

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

15. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

16. Thor

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

17. Deadpool

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

18. The Martian

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious

19. Avengers: Infinity War

15+ Times People Explained Movies So Badly It Was Hilarious



