
25 manns sem sáu einhvern hegða sér svo HEIMSKULEGA – að þau urðu að deila því! – MYNDIR

Hefur þú einhvern tímann séð einhvern gera eitthvað svo ótrúlega heimskulegt að þú gjörsamlega misstir andlitið og/eða sprakkst úr hlátri?

Hér fyrir neðan sjáum við 25 manns sem sáu einhvern hegða sér svo heimskulega að þau gátu ekki annað en deilt því:

#1 You’ve Never Seen A Pink Lion?

You’ve Never Seen A Pink Lion?

#2 And Passports Too

And Passports Too

#3 Why Korean Man Make Korean Movie

Why Korean Man Make Korean Movie

#4 Who’s Gonna Tell Her

Who’s Gonna Tell Her

#5 That’s Not How That… Never Mind

That's Not How That... Never Mind

#6 Do These People Have Brains?

Do These People Have Brains?

#7 Umm Ok

Umm Ok

#8 What A Time To Be Alive

What A Time To Be Alive

#9 Bye, America See You – Never

Bye, America See You - Never

#10 Just What

Just What

#11 I Wonder Why

I Wonder Why

#12 Get This Idea Patented

Get This Idea Patented

#13 Anti-Vaxxer Accidentally Advocates For Vaccines

Anti-Vaxxer Accidentally Advocates For Vaccines

#14 Can’t Even Be Mad, That Edit Was Perfect

Can't Even Be Mad, That Edit Was Perfect

#15 *Facepalm*

Elementary School Dropouts Ahead

#16 She Has Bigger Issues

She Has Bigger Issues

#17 No, It Does Not Have A 2nd Part

No, It Does Not Have A 2nd Part

#18 I Wish This Was Fake. Meet Jenn

I Wish This Was Fake. Meet Jenn

#19 A Guy Purchased A Watermelon During A Train Stop And Didn’t Realize It Didn’t Fit Through The Bars

A Guy Purchased A Watermelon During A Train Stop And Didn’t Realize It Didn’t Fit Through The Bars

#20 Welcome To Calculus 101

Welcome To Calculus 101

#21 Baby Smoothie

Baby Smoothie

#22 This Man Trying To Smuggle A Kilo Of Cocaine Under A Wig At The Barcelona Airport

This Man Trying To Smuggle A Kilo Of Cocaine Under A Wig At The Barcelona Airport

#23 It’s A Funny Facepalm Though

It's A Funny Facepalm Though

#24 Woman Cuts A Hole In The Face Mask So That It’s Easier To Breathe

Woman Cuts A Hole In The Face Mask So That It’s Easier To Breathe

#25 Popular Google Searches Are Making Me Question My Existence

Popular Google Searches Are Making Me Question My Existence




