
30 verulega SKRÍTNIR skuggar sem fá þig til að líta tvisvar! – MYNDIR

Skuggar geta oft verið ansi villandi og geta gefið mjög falska mynd af uppruna sínum.

Góð dæmi um það eru þessir þrjátíu skuggar sem fá fólk svo sannarlega til að líta tvisvar:

Tree’s Shadow

Tree's Shadow

Playground Shadows

Playground Shadows

Mt. Rainier Shadow From My Backyard

Mt. Rainier Shadow From My Backyard

This Trucks Shadow Says „Hi“

This Trucks Shadow Says

The Sun Melted The Snow Everywhere Except Where The Bikes’ Shadows Were

The Sun Melted The Snow Everywhere Except Where The Bikes' Shadows Were

Not Everybody Is What They Seem

Not Everybody Is What They Seem

Shadows Of Leaves From A Tree During A Solar Eclipse

Shadows Of Leaves From A Tree During A Solar Eclipse

This Spiders Reflection In A Pool

This Spiders Reflection In A Pool

Cheerful Shadow

Cheerful Shadow

Found The Eye Of Sauron While Wine Tasting

Found The Eye Of Sauron While Wine Tasting

The Shadow Of My Plane Formed A Rainbow Around It

The Shadow Of My Plane Formed A Rainbow Around It

The Reflection Of Kitchen Appliances Looks Like People In A Park

The Reflection Of Kitchen Appliances Looks Like People In A Park

Shadow Gives Impression Of Infinite Staircase

Shadow Gives Impression Of Infinite Staircase

This Cat Food Bag’s Shadow Looks Like A Cat

This Cat Food Bag's Shadow Looks Like A Cat

Even The Shadows In Scotland Are Plaid

Even The Shadows In Scotland Are Plaid

Who Never Thought About This?

Who Never Thought About This?

Why Hello, Little Sundog

Why Hello, Little Sundog

Sitting On The Couch With A Headache And An Ice Pack On My Head When My Girlfriend Tells Me Not To Move

Sitting On The Couch With A Headache And An Ice Pack On My Head When My Girlfriend Tells Me Not To Move

Proposed To My Girlfriend And Realized There Is A Heart In Our Shadows

Proposed To My Girlfriend And Realized There Is A Heart In Our Shadows

The Shadow Of This Juice Glass Looks Like A Rose

The Shadow Of This Juice Glass Looks Like A Rose

This Einstein Poster Casts A Sinister Shadow

This Einstein Poster Casts A Sinister Shadow

My Friend’s Golf Team Photo Had Some Unfortunate Shadows

My Friend's Golf Team Photo Had Some Unfortunate Shadows

These Fishnet Stockings Made From The Table’s Shadow

These Fishnet Stockings Made From The Table’s Shadow

When Your Life Is A Mess But You Can Still Keep Up Appearances

When Your Life Is A Mess But You Can Still Keep Up Appearances

I’m Sure This Shadow Became Self-Aware

I'm Sure This Shadow Became Self-Aware

Untangled Wire, Looped Shadow

Untangled Wire, Looped Shadow

The Shadow On His Shirt Makes It Look Like The Guy In The Back Is Badly Photoshopped Into The Picture

The Shadow On His Shirt Makes It Look Like The Guy In The Back Is Badly Photoshopped Into The Picture

Cool Sticker Shadow Effect I Saw This Morning

Cool Sticker Shadow Effect I Saw This Morning

My Shoe Lace Shadow Looks Like A Man Climbing A Mountain

My Shoe Lace Shadow Looks Like A Man Climbing A Mountain

The Shadow From This Glass Bowl Is Beautiful

The Shadow From This Glass Bowl Is Beautiful




