Táningsstelpa LOSAÐI sig við rúmlega 60 kíló á einu ári – Vildi passa í kjólinn fyrir árshátíðina! – MYNDIR

Hún Josie Desgrand var 16 ára gömul þegar hún var búin að fá nóg af ástandinu.

Krakkarnir í skólanum lögðu hana í einelti og hún var engan veginn hamingjusöm eins og hún var.

Josie endaði með að koma öllum á óvart þegar hún losaði sig við meira en helminginn af þyngd sinni og passaði í agnarsmáa kjólinn sem hún hafði valið fyrir árshátíðina.

This is Australian teen Josie Desgrand before, when she was 16

She weighed 127kg at her heaviest, but she decided to take important steps and change her life

Josie suffered from some bullying for her weight, which destroyed her self-esteem

But the girl surprised everyone when she showed up with a form-fitting gown, having lost 60+kg in only 12 months

Instagram was a source of inspiration for Josie, becoming a support network that continued to push her toward her goals

“I shared my meals and progress on my Instagram account,” she told Bored Panda

My followers quickly grew, and each was more supportive than the last. ‘You look great!’ They wrote. ‘Yum, do you have the recipe?’”

“With people from all around the world along for my journey, I never thought about turning back”

“Spending an hour each night, I responded to every person. Being in their position before, I now wanted to help as many people as I could”

“’Keep going,’ I would write back when someone thought they couldn’t do it anymore”

Now she weighs 63kg, half of her previous weight, and Josie couldn’t be happier

Her transformation into a new lifestyle is complete, what began as a diet has become a life-changing experience for the 18-year-old

“Now I want to be the push to help people get back up”

“Because everyone deserves to feel as happy as I now do”


