14 ljósmyndir sem láta þér líða ILLA – Svona á þetta ekki að vera!

Þú þarft ekki að vera með fullkomnunaráráttu til að vilja frekar að hlutir séu gerðir og búnir til á ákveðna vegu – suma hluti á bara ekki að hrófla við.

Gott dæmi um það eru þessar 14 ljósmyndir sem einar og sér eru nóg til að láta þér líða illa:

What savage would eat a banana in this manner?

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable banana

There’s something that feels so wrong with this toilet paper not being white.

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable black toilet paper

One person does something incorrectly and others are forced to follow in their footsteps!

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable car parking

What a fantastic design…

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable design fail

This gives us major anxiety! That’s pure chaos!

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable desktop

We want our tires to radiate strength and durability not softness!

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable feather wheel

This would bug the hell out of us!

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable heating ring

Wrong. Just wrong!

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable jelly donut

The way the screws aren’t aligned and matching irritates us also.

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable light switches

This combination makes us feel sick!

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable orange juice cookie

Some people just want to see the world burn.

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable road

Who thinks ‘I am going to shave an avocado today’?!

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable shaved avocado

Is this some kind of sick joke?

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable water tap

Kind of cool, but also just wrong! We can’t make peace with this…

Images That Will Make You Feel Uncomfortable wonky door


