
26 manns sem er ALVEG sama hvað öðrum finnst um hárgreiðsluna þeirra!

Sama hvort þú ert strákur eða stelpa, karl eða kona þá geta allir verið sammála um að hárgreiðslan er mikilvæg.

Meira að segja fólk með skalla passar sig að raka vel í kring eða sinna þeirri hárgreiðslu sem það hefur valið fyrir það hár sem er eftir.

En hér aftur á móti þá erum við með 26 manneskjur sem er alveg sama hvað öðrum finnst um hárgreiðsluna þeirra:

26. The more you look, the worse it gets.

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

25. “Excuse me, your head’s bleeding!”

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

24. Like a basket

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

23. At least there’s a little something

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

22. You know how your pencil eraser looks after you finish exams?

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

21. Is that a new hair mask?

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

20. When you use hair loss remedies incorrectly:

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

19. “Got this fresh haircut while traveling in Peru.”

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

18. Tennis fan

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

17. “Make me look like an IKEA rug.”

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

16. Hay crown

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

15. If they add eyes, they’ll get Doctor Zoidberg.

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

14. Final staircase before the flagpole in Super Mario

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

13. Pure abstractionism

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

12. When you want a ponytail but your hair is too short:

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

11. Helmet

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

10. When you haven’t quite found your style yet:

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

9. Who said leopard print is not popular anymore?

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

8. Colorful hairstyle

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

7. These look like small horns.

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

6. When you hate sideburns:

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

5. When you can’t decide whether you want long or short hair:

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

4. 100% match

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

3. First attempt at cutting hair, ever

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

2. When your hair is a giant centipede:

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts

1. Let’s admit that this Lego look is pretty cool!

26 People Who Just Don’t Care What People Say About Their Haircuts




