
30 manneskjur sem TÖPUÐU í matarlottóinu! – MYNDIR

Þessar 30 manneskjur hér fyrir neðan voru með „aðeins“ öðruvísi væntingar þegar kom að matnum þeirra … en þetta endaði nú samt svona.

Stundum vinnur maður matarlottóið – og stundum tapar maður:

#1 I Think I Set The Record For Most Disappointing Carrot

I Think I Set The Record For Most Disappointing Carrot

#2 Don’t Mean To Brag But I’ve Got Strawberries Growing The Size Of Lemons Over Here!

Don't Mean To Brag But I've Got Strawberries Growing The Size Of Lemons Over Here!

#3 These Watermelons Are Disappointing

These Watermelons Are Disappointing

#4 I Chose The Biggest Avocado To Make Guacamole, I Think It’s Not Going To Happen

I Chose The Biggest Avocado To Make Guacamole, I Think It's Not Going To Happen

#5 My Bread Is… Mostly Air

My Bread Is... Mostly Air

#6 „Cheeseburger“ From The Streets Of Manila

#7 Spongebob Popsicle

Spongebob Popsicle

#8 My Loaf Of Bread Was Sliced The Wrong Way

My Loaf Of Bread Was Sliced The Wrong Way

#9 My Egg Had No Yolk… I Wasn’t Eggspecting This

My Egg Had No Yolk... I Wasn't Eggspecting This

#10 Vending Machine Fail

Vending Machine Fail

#11 Well Then

Well Then

#12 There Was Only One Piece Of Broccoli In This Bag Of Cauliflower And Broccoli

There Was Only One Piece Of Broccoli In This Bag Of Cauliflower And Broccoli

#13 My Ice Cream Cone Is Missing One Thing. The Cone

My Ice Cream Cone Is Missing One Thing. The Cone

#14 This Blueberry Waffle

This Blueberry Waffle

#15 I Got A Massive Brick Of Cheese Flavoring Instead Of Cheetos

I Got A Massive Brick Of Cheese Flavoring Instead Of Cheetos

#16 Cranberry Chocolate

Cranberry Chocolate

#17 My Mom Opened A Can Of Black Beans But There Was Only Water Inside

My Mom Opened A Can Of Black Beans But There Was Only Water Inside

#18 This Loaf Of Bread

This Loaf Of Bread

#19 Nailed It

Nailed It

#20 I Found A Whole Potato In My Bag Of Chips

I Found A Whole Potato In My Bag Of Chips

#21 The Lemon Thing Happened To Me, Was Huge Until I Cut Into It

The Lemon Thing Happened To Me, Was Huge Until I Cut Into It

#22 Delta’s Lightly Salted Nuts. I Do Not Think It Means What They Think It Means

Delta's Lightly Salted Nuts. I Do Not Think It Means What They Think It Means

#23 If Monday Was A Beer

If Monday Was A Beer

#24 The Sub I Bought For Dinner Tonight

The Sub I Bought For Dinner Tonight

#25 Urge To Kill… Rising

Urge To Kill... Rising

#26 Someone Mistook A Rock For A Potato And Put It Into This Sack Of Potatoes We Bought

Someone Mistook A Rock For A Potato And Put It Into This Sack Of Potatoes We Bought

#27 This Is What A £3.20 Bacon And Egg Roll From Edinburgh Airport Looks Like

This Is What A £3.20 Bacon And Egg Roll From Edinburgh Airport Looks Like

#28 My Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

My Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

#29 I Got A Fun Size Pack Of Skittles With Only Yellow Ones

I Got A Fun Size Pack Of Skittles With Only Yellow Ones

#30 Waiting For The Rest Of Tomatoes To Show Up

Waiting For The Rest Of Tomatoes To Show Up




