Þess vegna áttu ALLTAF að skoða selfí myndina áður en þú póstar henni! – MYNDIR

Sama hversu fullkomna selfí þú tekur þá er mjög nauðsynlegt að skoða hana vel og vandlega áður en þú póstar henni.

Það er nefnilega ýmislegt fleira en bara andlitið á selfí-takanum sem myndavélin nemur …

Hoarder alert! This selfie-taker has no shame in showing off her unbelievably messy room

This woman may have a toned stomach... but that doesn't make the lying in the corner of the room any less disgusting

Face palm! This shower selfie reveals a rather intimate bathroom accessory, the photographer may not have wanted to share with the world

Bad friend: Taking a mirror selfie while your friend is sitting on the toilet in the background is not the kindest thing to do

Oh dear: This woman doesn't seem to be aware that her reflection has revealed that she is sitting on the toilet

You have to admire this man's dexterity as he uses his feet to take a 'sleeping' selfie - it's a pity that the whole thing was captured in the mirror

The worst of the fails is the poor woman who sent an image of herself to her brother and her parents, without realising that she had left two sex toys in the background

Now that's creepy: It's unclear whether this stern-looking woman is aware of the figure outside her door 

We've all been there: This woman has accidentally snapped a naked woman in the background of her beach selfie

