Regis Philbin er látinn

Sjónvarpsmaðurinn bandaríski Regis Philbin er látinn, 88 ára gamall.

Hann starfaði í 60 ár sem meðal annars leikari, kynnir og þáttastjórnandi. Regis er sá einstaklingur sem hefur verið flestar klukkustundir í sjónvarpi, samkvæmt Guinness World Records. Spjallþátturinn hans Live with Regis, var sýndur á árunum 1989-2011 og var hann einnig þáttastjórnandi í þáttum á borð við America’s Got Talent og Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

Fjölskylda hans sendi frá sér tilkynningu varðandi andlát hans og þar segir að Regis hafi dáið af náttúrlegum orsökum og þakka þau aðdáendum hans og samferðarmönnum fyrir stuðninginn síðustu 60 árin.

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There are no words to fully express the love I have for my precious friend, Regis. I simply adored him and every day with him was a gift. We spent 15 years together bantering and bickering and laughing ourselves silly—a tradition and a friendship we shared up to this very day. I smile knowing somewhere in Heaven, at this very moment, he’s making someone laugh. It brings me great comfort knowing that he had a personal relationship with his Lord that brought him great peace. I send all the love in my heart to Joy, to his children, to the rest of his family and to the innumerable people he touched over his legendary life. There has never been anyone like him. And there never will be.

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