
23 skipti þar sem LÖGREGLAN kom öllum á óvart með kímnigáfu sinni! – MYNDIR

Þar sem að starf lögreglunnar getur verið ansi alvarlegt og þau fá í raun að sjá það versta sem mannkynið hefur upp á að bjóða, þá býst maður ekki oft við því að þau séu með kímnigáfu.

En maður þarf víst að hafa hrikalega góðan og svartan húmor til að geta verið í þessu starfi.

Hér eru 23 skipti þar sem lögreglan kom öllum á óvart með kímnigáfu sinni:

#1 When The Protestors Cancel Because Of The Snow But You And The Other Riot Police Are Already Geared Up

When The Protestors Cancel Because Of The Snow But You And The Other Riot Police Are Already Geared Up

#2 Tip Of The Day

Tip Of The Day

#3 I Started Chatting With A Local Police Officer Today, And Asked Him What I Could Do To Let My Parents Know I Was Having A Good Time At My First Day Of College. He Suggested Taking This Photo

I Started Chatting With A Local Police Officer Today, And Asked Him What I Could Do To Let My Parents Know I Was Having A Good Time At My First Day Of College. He Suggested Taking This Photo

#4 Police Dog Rating

Police Dog Rating

#5 ‘Rather Large’

'Rather Large'

#6 Police In Montreal Are Refusing To Wear Their Work Pants As A Part Of A Labor Dispute

Police In Montreal Are Refusing To Wear Their Work Pants As A Part Of A Labor Dispute

#7 May The Force Be With You

May The Force Be With You

#8 Doggo Joke

Doggo Joke

#9 Lincoln, CA Police Departament Running Into Trap

Lincoln, CA Police Departament Running Into Trap

10 Wear Your Seatbelt

Wear Your Seatbelt

#11 Look Who Grew Up!

Look Who Grew Up!

#12 Police Are Savage

Police Are Savage

#13 Driver Breathalysed By Police For Suspicious Behavior

Driver Breathalysed By Police For Suspicious Behavior

#14 On The 4th Of July, Police In Asheville, NC, Got A Call About A Giant Slip’n Slide Supposedly Blocking The Road. But When The Cops Arrived, Instead Of Shutting It Down, They Joined In

On The 4th Of July, Police In Asheville, NC, Got A Call About A Giant Slip’n Slide Supposedly Blocking The Road. But When The Cops Arrived, Instead Of Shutting It Down, They Joined In

#15 Police Partners

Police Partners

#16 This Policeman Though

This Policeman Though

#17 Reykjavik’s Police Department Instagram Is Awesome

Reykjavik’s Police Department Instagram Is Awesome

#18 Vehicle Log

Vehicle Log

#19 Pixar Presents: Police Cars

Pixar Presents: Police Cars

#20 Police Busted A Meth Lab Using A Meth Lab

Police Busted A Meth Lab Using A Meth Lab

#21 Our Local Police Department Ain’t Playing

Our Local Police Department Ain't Playing

#22 There Was A Big Drug Problem At My Friend’s School So They Hired A Police Officer To Supervise Students But Now He’s Playing Magic The Gathering With The Video Game Club

There Was A Big Drug Problem At My Friend's School So They Hired A Police Officer To Supervise Students But Now He’s Playing Magic The Gathering With The Video Game Club

#23 This Dove Getting Parma Police Protection After Laying Her 2 Eggs In A Cruiser

This Dove Getting Parma Police Protection After Laying Her 2 Eggs In A Cruiser




