
Myndirnar sem slegið hafa í gegn á Instagram undanfarið:„Uppáhalds tíminn minn í dönsku borginni”

Nútíminn tekur vikulega saman þær myndir sem sópað hafa til sín „lækum“ síðustu daga.

Jón og félagar:


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A post shared by Lexa (@alexandrahelga) on

Villi Neto fór í makeover:

Áslaug Arna á Litla Hrauni:

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?Litla Hraun

A post shared by Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir (@aslaugarna) on

Auddi og Sigrún geta dansað:

Þórdís og félagar frumsýndu Vorið vaknar:

Pönnsu-veisla hjá Evu Laufey:

Þessar voru flottar í Allir geta dansað:

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A post shared by Astros Traustadottir (@aastros) on


Alfreð Finnboga fagnaði afmælinu með sigri á vellinum:

Sara fór í kvöldsund:


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Esjan 7.2.20

A post shared by BRÍET (@brietelfar) on

Ása og ólivuolían:

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Þett’er good stuff?#twinning

A post shared by Àsa Reginsdóttir (@asaregins) on

Binni í Bláfjöllum:

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A post shared by Brynjólfur Löve Mogensson (@binnilove) on


Björgvin henti bara í þessa mynd:

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I tried taking regular pictures of me at home using these ? but every single one of them turned out kind of lame. You know who did not look not lame wearing glasses? The Terminator?? _ Anywho. These lightglasses are not ordinary. These are the @propeaq_lightglasses and I have been using them every day for a few months. They come in extra handy here in Iceland where it is dark for almost the whole of each day during winter. Regardless of the time of year they can bring loads of different benefits. Regular use of glasses like these can increase your energy, improve your sleep, decrease jetlag and do a bunch of other things. To know more about them hit the ? in bio. _ #bluelight #lightglasses #propeaq #thegunwasnotloaded #heimilistæki @heimilistaeki

A post shared by Björgvin K. Guðmundsson (@bk_gudmundsson) on


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A post shared by Herra Hnetusmjör (@herrahnetusmjor) on

Jón Ragnar henti í eina „throwback“:

Jóhanna Maggý:

Elísabet Gunnars á tískuvikunni í Köben:





