
22 sniðugar lausnir í LITLUM rýmum – Svona á að gera þetta! – MYNDIR

Það getur verið einstaklega erfitt að koma öllu fyrir í litlu rými, sérstaklega þegar maður á fullt af dóti.

En við verðum að sjálfsögðu að gera það besta með það sem við erum með í höndunum – og það er svo sannarlega það sem allir hér fyrir neðan gerðu.

Hér eru 22 sniðugar lausnir í litlum rýmum:

#1 Brilliant Design For Kids That Need Their Privacy But There’s Only One Bedroom

Brilliant Design For Kids That Need Their Privacy But There's Only One Bedroom

#2 A Slide-Out Pantry In 6 Inches Of Space

A Slide-Out Pantry In 6 Inches Of Space

#3 University Library Has A Wall Where You Can Quite Literally Take A Seat

University Library Has A Wall Where You Can Quite Literally Take A Seat

#4 Elevate The Bed In Small Spaces To Create Storage Underneath

Elevate The Bed In Small Spaces To Create Storage Underneath

#5 Space Saving

Space Saving

#6 Stair Drawers

Stair Drawers

#7 When You Want To Maximize The Space Under The Stairs

When You Want To Maximize The Space Under The Stairs

#8 Washer-Dryer Inside A Closet

Washer-Dryer Inside A Closet

#9 No Place For A Bedside Table? No Problem

No Place For A Bedside Table? No Problem

#10 Playroom, Bedroom And A Closet Perfectly Fit In This Small Room

Playroom, Bedroom And A Closet Perfectly Fit In This Small Room

#11 A Play Room That Fits Under The Bed

A Play Room That Fits Under The Bed

#12 Extra Storage Hidden In These Kitchen Benches

Extra Storage Hidden In These Kitchen Benches

#13 Space Saving

Space Saving

#14 When You Need That Extra Bed

When You Need That Extra Bed

#15 That’s Some Neat Space Saving Design

That's Some Neat Space Saving Design

#16 Handlebars That Flip Sideways To Save Space

Handlebars That Flip Sideways To Save Space

#17 West Elm Industrial Storage Coffee Table

West Elm Industrial Storage Coffee Table

#18 The Inception Bed For When Kids Have A Sleepover

The Inception Bed For When Kids Have A Sleepover

#19 Space Saving

Space Saving

#20 Headboard With Shelves

Headboard With Shelves

#21 Triple Bunk Beds Done Right

Triple Bunk Beds Done Right

#22 Built In Wardrobe And A Cozy Bed Fits Everything In One Wall

Built In Wardrobe And A Cozy Bed Fits Everything In One Wall




