
42 myndir af mis athyglisverðum SAMANBURÐUM – Fær mann til að hugsa!

Þessar 42 myndir fá mann svo sannarlega til að hugsa, svo mikið er víst.

Þær eru allar af mis athyglisverðum samanburðum og það er ótrúlegt hvað poppar upp í hausinn á manni við að skoða þessar myndir.

#1 Then And Now: Cancer Patient vs. Cancer Survivor

Then And Now: Cancer Patient vs. Cancer Survivor

#2 A Friend On Facebook Shared This Slide From Her Class. The Difference Between Urban, Suburban, And Rural

A Friend On Facebook Shared This Slide From Her Class. The Difference Between Urban, Suburban, And Rural

#3 The Day After Asher Was Adopted vs. Today

The Day After Asher Was Adopted In 2012 vs. Today

#4 We Have Two Skinny Cats, And One Fat One

We Have Two Skinny Cats, And One Fat One

#5 Ski Trail Sign In Summer vs. In Winter

Ski Trail Sign In Summer vs. In Winter

#6 The Difference 11 Days Can Make For This Maple Tree

The Difference 11 Days Can Make For This Maple Tree

#7 Movie vs. Real Life

Movie vs. Real Life

#8 My Brother And His Friend, Both Age 13. We Loved The Difference In Height

My Brother And His Friend, Both Age 13. We Loved The Difference In Height

#9 Smoker vs. Non-Smoker

Smoker vs. Non-Smoker

#10 My Wife’s Face On Our Wedding Day Compared To When She Met Rob

My Wife’s Face On Our Wedding Day Compared To When She Met Rob

#11 B2 Stealth Bomber Compared To A Falcon

B2 Stealth Bomber Compared To A Falcon

#12 Chinese Explorer Zheng He’s Ship Compared To Christopher Columbus’ Santa Maria. They Both Lived In The Same Era

Chinese Explorer Zheng He's Ship Compared To Christopher Columbus' Santa Maria. They Both Lived In The Same Era

#13 Size Comparison Of My Maine Coon To My American Shorthair

Size Comparison Of My Maine Coon To My American Shorthair

#14 Graphics Then vs. Graphics Now

Graphics Then vs. Graphics Now

#15 At The Beach vs. Cleaning Feet After

At The Beach vs. Cleaning Feet After

#16 Nearly 25 Years After The Fall Of The Berlin Wall, The Difference In Types Of Light Bulbs Can Still Be Seen From Space

Nearly 25 Years After The Fall Of The Berlin Wall, The Difference In Types Of Light Bulbs Can Still Be Seen From Space

#17 The Size Of A Tornado Compared To The Size Of Wind Turbines

The Size Of A Tornado Compared To The Size Of Wind Turbines

#18 Coming Home vs. Leaving

Coming Home vs. Leaving

#19 Shark’s Brain vs. Dolphin’s Brain

Shark’s Brain vs. Dolphin’s Brain

#20 Barcelona During The Day vs. During The Night

Barcelona During The Day vs. During The Night

#21 World’s Smallest Computer Compared To A Grain Of Rice

World's Smallest Computer Compared To A Grain Of Rice

#22 Fluffy Corgi vs. Regular Coat

Fluffy Corgi vs. Regular Coat

#23 Human Skeleton Compared To Gorilla Skeleton

Human Skeleton Compared To Gorilla Skeleton

#24 We Live Next To The Ocean, Here’s The Comparison Between The Outside And Inside Doorknob

We Live Next To The Ocean, Here's The Comparison Between The Outside And Inside Doorknob

#25 Eagle Claws Are Pretty Big Even In Comparison With Mammalian Predators

Eagle Claws Are Pretty Big Even In Comparison With Mammalian Predators

#26 You Can See The Difference Between The Tap Water And The Sparkling Water That I Poured Over It

You Can See The Difference Between The Tap Water And The Sparkling Water That I Poured Over It

#27 The Difference Between A Norwegian Soldier 75 Years Ago And Today

The Difference Between A Norwegian Soldier 75 Years Ago And Today

#28 Japan’s Highest Bridge’s Height Is Compared To Godzilla

Japan’s Highest Bridge’s Height Is Compared To Godzilla

#29 Earth Compared To Its Water And Air

Earth Compared To Its Water And Air

#30 Microscopic Look At Bee Stinger vs. Needle

Microscopic Look At Bee Stinger vs. Needle

#31 Stairs Built In 1829 vs. 2005

Stairs Built In 1829 vs. 2005

#32 My Jeans vs. My Wife’s Jeans. I’m 6’ 3”and She’s 5’ 2”

My Jeans vs. My Wife’s Jeans. I’m 6’ 3”and She’s 5’ 2”

#33 Whenever Somebody Posts A Photo Of The Milky Way, People Invariably Ask „Is That How You See It With The Naked Eye?“. Here’s A Representation Of What You Do See Compared To What Comes Out Of The Camera

Whenever Somebody Posts A Photo Of The Milky Way, People Invariably Ask

#34 Before And After Comparison Pics Of A Street In Surf City, NC After Florence

Before And After Comparison Pics Of A Street In Surf City, NC After Florence

#35 Ken 1985 vs. Ken 2018

Ken 1985 vs. Ken 2018

#36 View From My House Of California Normal vs. California With Fires

View From My House Of California Normal vs. California With Fires

#37 Size Of The Moon Compared To USA

Size Of The Moon Compared To USA

#38 My Mom’s Phone From 1998 vs. My Phone From 2018

My Mom’s Phone From 1998 vs. My Phone From 2018

#39 ‘Chernobyl’ Actors vs. The Real-Life People They Played

'Chernobyl' Actors vs. The Real-Life People They Played

#40 $10 vs. $400 Lightsaber

$10 vs. $400 Lightsaber

#41 The Comparison Of Right Handed And Left Handed People At My High School

The Comparison Of Right Handed And Left Handed People At My High School

#42 The Tan Of My Hand Compared To My Foot

The Tan Of My Hand Compared To My Foot




