
Ljósmyndasýning með konum með SKJALLBLETTI slær í gegn! – MYNDIR

Venjulega þegar að fólk sér einstaklinga með skjallbletti (e. vitiligo) þá sér það húðsjúkdóm, en ljósmyndarinn Elizabeth Van Aalderen sér bara öðruvísi fegurð.

Elizabeth ákvað því að vera með ljósmyndasýningu með konum sem eru með skjallbletti – og eftir sýninguna þá virðast flestir sjá það sem Elizabeth sér, því að hún sló svo sannarlega í gegn.

Hér eru 20 myndir af sýningunni:


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold


A Photographer With Vitiligo Captures the Beauty of Women With the Same Condition, and It’s a Sight to Behold




