Ný ÍSLENSK spennumynd væntanleg um 36 tíma hneysklið – „Þetta gæti gerst fyrir þig“ – MYND

Hann Jóhannes Benediktsson setti þessa opnu færslu á Facebook þar sem hann segir frá væntanlegri íslenskri bíómynd um 36 tíma hneysklið.

Þessi spennumynd er með allt sem þarf í svona sögu: Pólitískt hneyskli, samsæri, alræmdan njósnara og meira að segja forseti Alþingis vinnur gegn aðal sögupersónunni…

Plot: A politician goes missing for 36 hours. He is found without his clothes alone in the woods. He doesn’t remember a thing, but there are tapes…

This is a true story of a politician who becomes a victim of a great conspiracy. He has a lot of enemies, including a notorious spy and the president of the Icelandic parliament.

However, the tapes reveal a different story: It turns out that he – himself – was indeed the greatest contributor to the… 36 HOURS BLACKOUT!


