
27 manns sem föttuðu að þau þekktu STÓRSTJÖRNU – þegar það var orðið of seint! – MYNDIR

Það er oft talað um að það skiptir ekki máli hvað þú veist eða hvað þú kannt, heldur bara hvern þú þekkir.

Þetta fólk þekkti eitt sinn stórstjörnur eða var í sambandi með þeim, en eitthvað varð til þess að þau eru ekki í samskiptum í dag.

Hér eru 27 manneskjur sem föttuðu að þau þekktu stórstjörnu, þegar það var orðið of seint:

#1 Just Found These Pics Of Leo With My Family… (He Dated My Aunt)

Just Found These Pics Of Leo With My Family... (He Dated My Aunt)

#2 My Mom Dated Adam Sandler In High School. Here Are Her Prom Pics

My Mom Dated Adam Sandler In High School. Here Are Her Prom Pics

#3 So My Mom Dated Matt Le Blanc And She Finally Found A Picture Of Them

So My Mom Dated Matt Le Blanc And She Finally Found A Picture Of Them

#4 Found Michelle Obama In My Uncles Yearbook

Found Michelle Obama In My Uncles Yearbook

#5 My Grandpa And The Black Dahlia (Elizabeth Short) 1945 He Dated Her And Was An Fbi Suspect

My Grandpa And The Black Dahlia (Elizabeth Short) 1945 He Dated Her And Was An Fbi Suspect

#6 When My Aunt Dated Jamie Foxx And We Called Him Uncle Jamie

When My Aunt Dated Jamie Foxx And We Called Him Uncle Jami

#7 My Aunt Knew Bradley Cooper In College, Before He Was Famous

My Aunt Knew Bradley Cooper In College, Before He Was Famous

#8 Cousin Dated Matthew Mcconaughey In College

 Cousin Dated Matthew Mcconaughey In College

#9 My Mom Was Childhood Friends With John Travolta And We Found A Photo Of My Nana And Him After One Of His Shows When He Did Theatre! Look At The 70s Hair…

My Mom Was Childhood Friends With John Travolta And We Found A Photo Of My Nana And Him After One Of His Shows When He Did Theatre! Look At The 70s Hair...

#10 So My Mom Decides To Tell Me She Dated John Legend Secretly When I Was 10???

So My Mom Decides To Tell Me She Dated John Legend Secretly When I Was 10???

#11 My Aunt Dated Ashton Back When He Was Young, So I Thought I’d Take This Time To Let Everybody Else Know About My Family Treasure

My Aunt Dated Ashton Back When He Was Young, So I Thought I’d Take This Time To Let Everybody Else Know About My Family Treasure

#12 So My Mom Dated Woody Harrelson

So My Mom Dated Woody Harrelson

#13 My Aunt Dated Jimmy Fallon

My Aunt Dated Jimmy Fallon

#14 My Sister Used To Date Usher In High School And She Is Just Now Telling Me

My Sister Used To Date Usher In High School And She Is Just Now Telling Me

#15 My Wife Used To Date „The Fonz“ (Henry Winkler) In The Late 70’s

My Wife Used To Date "The Fonz" (Henry Winkler) In The Late 70's

#16 My Uncle Is Good Friends With Queen Latifah

My Uncle Is Good Friends With Queen Latifah

#17 My Sister Dated Macho Man Randy Savage Back In The 90’s. This Is Me With Him

My Sister Dated Macho Man Randy Savage Back In The 90's. This Is Me With Him

#18 My Friend’s Parents Used To Be Friends With Drake’s Parents. She Found This Picture And Realized Who The Kid Was (1989)

My Friend's Parents Used To Be Friends With Drake's Parents. She Found This Picture And Realized Who The Kid Was (1989)

#19 I Just Found Out A Friend Of Mine Went To High School With Zac Efron. He Pulled Out His Yearbook As Proof

I Just Found Out A Friend Of Mine Went To High School With Zac Efron. He Pulled Out His Yearbook As Proof

#20 My Auntie & Tupac Used To Mess Also

My Auntie & Tupac Used To Mess Also

#21 Back When Ariana Grande And I ‘Dated’ And Did Theater Together

Back When Ariana Grande And I 'Dated' And Did Theater Together

#22 Kevin Hart Went To My Bro’s Hs. Our Hs Was Actually Featured In His Laugh At My Pain Movie

Kevin Hart Went To My Bro’s Hs. Our Hs Was Actually Featured In His Laugh At My Pain Movie

#23 My Aunt Use To Date Jay Z Tpp Smh

My Aunt Use To Date Jay Z Tpp Smh

#24 My Mom Had A Thing With Blake Shelton A Long Time Ago While My Aunt Dated His Bass Player & She Found A Picture

My Mom Had A Thing With Blake Shelton A Long Time Ago While My Aunt Dated His Bass Player & She Found A Picture

#25 Turns Out My Mom Dated Josh Hartnet In High School

Turns Out My Mom Dated Josh Hartnet In High School

#26 Someone Found Ansel Elgort In Their Yearbook

Someone Found Ansel Elgort In Their Yearbook

#27 My Uncle And His Best Friend. Apparently He Was Some Famous Rapper Back In The Day

My Uncle And His Best Friend. Apparently He Was Some Famous Rapper Back In The Day




