
30 flugfarþegar með meistaragráðu í ókurteisi – myndir

Flugferðir eru hugsaðar þannig að ef við sýnum hvort öðru bara smá tillitssemi og kurteisi þá verður ferðin bara óþægileg, en ekki óbærileg.

Þessar 30 manneskjur átta sig engan veginn á þessari einföldu hugmynd og það mætti halda að þau séu ekki í flúgvel heldur heima hjá sér – þau hegða sér allavegana þannig:

#1 Sometimes Self-Awareness Is Hard

Sometimes Self-Awareness Is Hard

#2 I’m Only Posting This Photo So No One Else Sends It To Me

I’m Only Posting This Photo So No One Else Sends It To Me

#3 This Darwin Award Passenger Was Cold… So She Used The Plastic Bag (That Was Holding Blanket / Pillow) And Put It Over Her Head To Warm Up

This Darwin Award Passenger Was Cold... So She Used The Plastic Bag (That Was Holding Blanket / Pillow) And Put It Over Her Head To Warm Up

#4 Packing At The Gate 5 Minutes Before The Flight Like

Packing At The Gate 5 Minutes Before The Flight Like

#5 Parenting Is Hard, Guys

Parenting Is Hard, Guys

#6 A For Effort, Dude!

A For Effort, Dude!

#7 „Man Dumps His Food Into Aisle After Eating What He Wanted“

#8 “I Hate Everyone And Shirts”

“I Hate Everyone And Shirts”

#9 The Sense Of Entitlement Is Strong With This One

The Sense Of Entitlement Is Strong With This One

#10 Crew Said She Couldn’t Do This. Her Reply… “I Don’t Care”

Crew Said She Couldn’t Do This. Her Reply… “I Don’t Care”

#11 Not. Apple. Juice.

Not. Apple. Juice.

#12 Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

#13 That Time A Dude Tried To Warm Up His Pizza. On A Plane

That Time A Dude Tried To Warm Up His Pizza. On A Plane

#14 That Woman

That Woman

#15 No This Wasn’t A 348 Day Long Flight

No This Wasn't A 348 Day Long Flight

#16 Hairy, Unbeweavable Sitch In Full Effect

Hairy, Unbeweavable Sitch In Full Effect

#17 Must. Be. First. To. Get. Bag

Must. Be. First. To. Get. Bag

#18 Don’t Do This!

Don’t Do This!

#19 Aftermath Of Two Adult Passengers (Not 478 Children)

Aftermath Of Two Adult Passengers (Not 478 Children)

#20 Ok, So Which One Of You Left These On The Plane?!

Ok, So Which One Of You Left These On The Plane?!

#21 Jesus Flute Dude

Jesus Flute Dude

#22 Sorry About The Smell

Sorry About The Smell

#23 Solid Air Travel Hat Choice

Solid Air Travel Hat Choice

#24 Definitely Not A Treat

Definitely Not A Treat

#25 Yay For Orlando Flights!

Yay For Orlando Flights!

#26 „It Fit On The Last Flight!“

#27 Pro Travel Tip: The Tray Table Is Not An Ottoman

Pro Travel Tip: The Tray Table Is Not An Ottoman

#28 Yes This Is First Class. Yes This Is (Was?) A T-Bone Steak That Someone Ate

Yes This Is First Class. Yes This Is (Was?) A T-Bone Steak That Someone Ate

#29 Sometimes You Just Need To Air Out Your Sweaty Shoe

Sometimes You Just Need To Air Out Your Sweaty Shoe

#30 2 For 1 Pap Smears Now Available In Row 26!

2 For 1 Pap Smears Now Available In Row 26!




