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Nútíminn tók saman þær myndir sem sópuðu til sín “lækum” á Instagram um helgina.

Hatari sigruðu Rússland:

Ragga Ragnar og pizzan:


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A post shared by Bubbi Morthens (@bubbimorthensofficial) on

Saga Sig alltaf flott:

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Emmsjé Gauti átti afmæli:

Kristbjörg fór út á lífið:

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I get asked quite often how I manage to live a social life while staying fit. It's called balance. _ Well if you have been following me for some time you all know I don’t go out very often but when I do I enjoy a tequila and pineapple shots or three ! ( try that drink)!. _ I don't promote strict diets, no alcohol and not going out. We all have to live and have fun _ You have to realise that it is very commendable sticking to your goals but not going out with friends as you’re scared it will impact your fitness journey can be detrimental to your mental health. _ It's all about having the right mindset. For me, fitness is more than just looking good physically, it's a lifestyle. _ If I go out, I make sure I get my workout done in the morning. You have to prioritise the important things in your life and still manage to have fun after! It is okay if you drink or it is ok if you choose not to. _ I've learned that having a balance in life will make you happier than revolving your life around something just to look “good”. _ I workout because I enjoy it. It makes me happy and I love pushing myself and doing things I never thought I could do _ Eat the foods you love, drink if you want to, hang out with your friends and do everything you love doing. But always remember the other side of it, workout, eat healthy 90% of the time and try to be happy doing all the things you love ___ Just dont miss your train stops @lydiarees – tb to a night out in Cardiff with my girls

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Björk á tónleikum í Lúxemborg:

Katrín Tanja og kærastinn:

Sunnudagur í Vestmannaeyjum:

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Gleðilegan sunnudag frá Vestmannaeyjum.

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Alfreð Finnboga fór meiddur af velli:

Auddi Blö er orðinn pabbi:

Arnar og Salka:

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Fyrsti eða annar kossinn

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Jóhanna Guðrún með soninn baksviðs:


Sóli Hólm og dóttir:

Tiger on tiger on tiger on……:

Þessi tvö fóru í roadtrip:

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búinn að elska þessa síðan 2009 ❤️ @tanjayra

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Birgitta Líf:

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Þessi fóru í crossfit partý:


