Blaðamaður NME lofsamar Glowie: „Getur breytt úreltum hugsunarhætti í popptónlist“

Blaðamaðurinn Douglas Greenwood hrósaði íslensku tónlistarkonunni Glowie hástert í grein sem birtist í breska popptímaritinu NME á dögunum. Greinin heitir Popp er ekki ljótt orð: Piers Morgan, hættu að stimpla konur í popptónlist sem druslur en í henni tekur hann Glowie sem dæmi um unga konu í popptónlist með sterkar skoðanir.

Greenwood lastar breska blaðafólkið Julia Hartley-Brewer og Piers Morgan fyrir gagnrýni þeirra á hljómsveitinni Little Mix og segir að gagnrýni þeirra byggist á gamaldags skoðunum á hlutverki kvenna í popptónlist.

Hann segir að popptónlist sé nú í auknum mæli að þróast út í vettvang fyrir ungar konur með sterkar skoðanir og tekur Glowie og bandarísku söngkonuna Billie Eilish sem dæmi.

Hann segir að Glowie sé listakona sem gæti mögulega þaggað niður í úreltum skoðunum miðaldra, glórulauss, poppfóbísks fólks. Hann tekur lagið Body eftir Glowie sem dæmi og segir að lengi vel hafi kvenmenn ekki mátt semja slík lög, einungis karlmenn.

„Glowie er ung kona sem stimplar sig inn með grípandi lagi sem fjallar einfaldlega um það að dáðst að kynæsandi karlmanni,“ skrifar hann.

Þá hrósar hann Glowie einnig fyrir Instagram síðu hennar en þar er hún dugleg að tala fyrir jákvæðri líkamsímynd.

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STOP STARVING YOURSELF! YOU ARE WAY TOO SKINNY!, you need to go eat a sandwich, did you forget to eat breakfast, it must be hard to find clothes that fit on you, you look like you're sick! I have always been a skinny girl, nothing wrong with that, I was not sick or anything, no matter how much I ate, nothing happened. I was a dancer, started when I was 7 and stopped at 16, learned classic ballet, jazz ballet, contemporary dance and more, up to 8 times per week, so that kept me in shape. While living this healthy life, I was called names for being too skinny, I tried not to listen to them, but without realising it, I believed them. Then at 16 I stopped dancing so I could focus more on music, I got out of shape and started to live this very unhealthy life, I ate a lot of trash food on purpose because I was tired of being so skinny, I believed the people who told me it was not normal to be this skinny, but really that was just who I was. At that time I was sexually abused by a guy I was on a second date with, and that changed my life forever, but I will tell you more about that later. Anyway, I got really depressed after that and was just in a really dark place…even had suicidal thoughts at times. When I was 17 I met the love of my life. Today we have been together for 3 years. He never said I was too skinny or too fat or that I needed to change my body. He loved me for who I am and he taught me to love myself. My point is…don't let other people's opinion controul how you feel about yourself or how you live your life. I share this with you hoping to inspire all of you to look in the mirror and wonder if you're happy with yourself. Everybody deserves to be happy. Life is too short to be wondering what other people think of you. Be who you wanna be, not what others want to see. #fknbodyproud

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